Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Prohibited substances may not be brought, kept, consumed, sold, purchased or dealt with in any way on the Company’s premises.
- Employees shall not report for work or carry out their duties in the course of their employment under the influence of alcohol or drugs of all or any of the above substances.
- If an employee is taking medication which renders him unable to carry out his duties in a manner that will jeopardize the safety of himself and / or the other employees, he must relevant inform his supervisor or the HR Manager accordingly.
- If an employee knows or suspects that an employee is using, taking, consuming or dealing with any prohibited substances, he must inform his immediate supervisor or the HR Manager immediately. The Company also encourages employees to bring their personal drinking or drug problem to the attention of their supervisor (who shall inform the HR Manger accordingly without delay) or the HR Manager directly.
- The Company may from time to time at its sole discretion require employees to be randomly tested for the use of illegal drugs and substances. Refusal by the employee to undergo such a test may warrant appropriate disciplinary action to be taken by the Company as it deems fit.
- The HRD shall be responsible for determining the details of such misconduct or problem and the appropriate action to be taken against the said employee, which may include, without limitation, reprimand, suspension or dismissal.
The HRD may, if it considers appropriate in the circumstances, submit a report of such misconduct to the management together with its recommendation of the appropriate disciplinary action to be taken against the said employee.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Prohibited substances may not be brought, kept, consumed, sold, purchased or dealt with in any way on the Company’s premises.
- Employees shall not report for work or carry out their duties in the course of their employment under the influence of alcohol or drugs of all or any of the above substances.
- If an employee is taking medication which renders him unable to carry out his duties in a manner that will jeopardize the safety of himself and / or the other employees, he must relevant inform his supervisor or the HR Manager accordingly.
- If an employee knows or suspects that an employee is using, taking, consuming or dealing with any prohibited substances, he must inform his immediate supervisor or the HR Manager immediately. The Company also encourages employees to bring their personal drinking or drug problem to the attention of their supervisor (who shall inform the HR Manger accordingly without delay) or the HR Manager directly.
- The Company may from time to time at its sole discretion require employees to be randomly tested for the use of illegal drugs and substances. Refusal by the employee to undergo such a test may warrant appropriate disciplinary action to be taken by the Company as it deems fit.
- The HRD shall be responsible for determining the details of such misconduct or problem and the appropriate action to be taken against the said employee, which may include, without limitation, reprimand, suspension or dismissal.
The HRD may, if it considers appropriate in the circumstances, submit a report of such misconduct to the management together with its recommendation of the appropriate disciplinary action to be taken against the said employee.